Let’s answer a few of your basic questions!
What are your current interest rates?
Lots of dealerships will advertise their trailer prices with the amount you pay each month. That’s not fair! The interest rate you get is dependent on your personal credit history. In other words, that trailer payment plan will look different for every person.
Right now our in-house company is averaging a 10% financing rate. VERY FEW people actually get this rate. More realistic rates are usually between 11-12% on an RV loan. Yes, that's high! That's why we want you to know all your options with an RV Loan.
Should I finance with you or check with my local bank? We don’t care which direction you go in! We will help you with either option! But here’s the scoop… RV loans may have higher interest rates, but they will have longer term limits. Most RV loans will go out 10-12 years. Depending on the trailer, and the customer, they can even go out as long as 15 years!
Banks, and especially credit unions, will have lower interest rates, but they will go out 3-5 years, sometimes 7 years. That typically makes your monthly payment higher. However, if it saves you in interest, that might be your preferred plan.
We know each customer is different, and what fits for you isn’t going to fit for everyone else. But WE will help you with whatever direction you decide to go. We will happily provide all paperwork (at no additional charge) that your bank requires if you find that plan fits your needs better.
Do I have to put anything down? We can occasionally get loans approved with NOTHING DOWN. However, it is best to prepare for a 10% down payment. For those with great credit, we can ask for a “no money down” loan, but more often than not, they come back with a 10% request. You should at least be prepared to be able to pay that much down.
Shouldn’t I get a great interest rates? I have a good credit score! Credit score is not the only thing that a loan is going to check out. They also look at your debt to income. They will look at your salary and many other factors come into play, as well. Many people think that if they have an 800 credit score, they should get top tier financing. However, loans will also look to see what other items you’ve recently borrowed money on. Did you buy a truck two weeks ago? That’s probably going to hurt!
What is the name of the finance company used by Camp Oaks? Blue Water Finance is the name of the finance company that we use here at Camp Oaks. They have several banks they work with to provide top, middle and lower tier financing options. If you want to see if you qualify, fill out the attached form OR just go online to https://bluewaterfinance.com/apply/Application/. (Dealership name: Camp Oaks RV Dealership Sales Person: Aaron Sizemore State: GA)
If you do apply online, send us an email (aaron@campoaksrv.com) with the trailer you’re interested in so we can have the final price ready when Blue Water contacts us. Don’t worry! You also know the price. Our pricing is easy. It’s the price listed on the trailer, plus the sales tax. Sales tax is figured on the county in which you live. Lumpkin County is 8%.
Can I just SEE what I can borrow without actually hitting my credit? Sure! You can just PRE-qualify if you’re just checking it out. Do that online at https://bluewaterfinance.com/prequalify/Application/ using the same information as above. Again, still not a bad idea to shoot us an email so we know you’re curious and can help you figure out if the payments – and the CAMPER – are really the right fit for you. Email aaron@campoaksrv.com.
More Questions?
No problem! We love to help! Send an email to aaron@campoaksrv.com for more details! We aren’t just here to sell you a camper, but to help you find the RIGHT one that checks all the boxes. And we know that your monthly payment plan is a big part of that equation!