Camp Oaks RV & Outdoors
The #1 Coachmen Catalina Dealer in Georgia for 2022
The #1 Travel Lite Dealer in the Southeast for 2022
The #1 Viking Pop-Up Dealer in Georgia for 2022
The #1 Coachmen Catalina Dealer in Georgia for 2023
The #1 Flagstaff Dealer in Georgia for 2023
In Atlanta in the 1950’s, Guy Adams, Sr., a WWII Veteran, discovered a love of camping with his family. He drove to Kentucky to buy his first pop-up and they convinced him to purchase three pop-up campers to sell outside of his accounting office. Little did he know that was the beginning of a 50-year business that would become, not only one of the first RV dealerships in Atlanta, but one of the largest single-outlet dealers east of the Rocky Mountains.
That first RV dealership is our history. Three generations of children and grandchildren continued Guy Adams’ dream until it was time for his three sons to retire. And now it's time to get back to our roots and continue that dream again.
Aaron and Kimberly (Adams) Sizemore (Guy Adams’ granddaughter) both have extensive histories with RV’s, not just as careers, but as a family who loves making memories together through camping. Aaron Sizemore began as a tech in 2003; his father-in-law determined he would learn the basics of the business. Eventually Aaron would become Service Manager and oversee the service, warranty, techs and customers, but as in any family business, also help with sales, parts, camping shows, and anything else that needed to be done!
When the three sons who owned the original company retired, Aaron worked for the company that purchased it, a large multi-outlet dealer anxious to move into the Atlanta area. Aaron quickly became disenfranchised with the corporate mindset. The business became less about family and camping and making memories, and more about commission, sales, profit and product. It was a discouraging time, in one way, but a blessing in another. That experience prompted the revival of the dream to own our own company again, one that cares about its family, its customers and its community. A company that believes in honesty and that camping is more than just about profits and commissions, but about memories and experiences.
Everything is pointing to now being the time to begin our dream of opening our own dealership. We believe that our passion for the RV Industry and our lifetimes of experience in the field, will create the perfect place for customers to become family.
And speaking of family, expect to see our kids running around and one of us grabbing the phone. There aren't any commissioned salespeople or employees who have never been camping. It's just us, doing what we love.


Go where your roots grow...
About Our Name
A lot of thought went into our name. We really wanted something that evokes rest, abundance, and full living. We wanted something that speaks to the rest that camping brings to the body and the soul. Nothing can quite speak peace and adventure at the same time as camping can. It's about family, about memories and about rejuvenation. How do you sum all that up in one name? Until a giant oak tree standing in a single field spoke the name "oaks" to my heart. An oak tree is grounded, rooted deeply to access the deep waters in the earth. If I could grant my family, and my customers anything, it would be the refreshing waters that deep roots bring. And not only are we going back to our own roots by starting an RV dealership like granddaddy Guy did, but we want other families to get outdoors and find their own roots, as well. Come camp, live, explore and rejuvenate under the oaks with us.